Cii Radio| Ayesha Ismail| 27 September 2016| 25 Zhul hijjah 1437
Abu Hurairah narrated: “the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was once asked: what are the best deeds in Islam? The prophet replied: to believe in Allah and His Messenger, then the prophet was asked again: what is else? The prophet replied: the acceptable hajj’.
Many of us have recently rushed over to meet the hajjees amongst our friends and family upon their return from the holiest place on earth. The Haramain.
We have all greeted them warmly saying Hajj Mabroor- a small dua for the hajjee meaning May Allah accept your Hajj.
The Hajjees return to their home countries after the journey of Haj,spiritually refreshed, forgiven of their sins, and ready to start life with a clean slate. How fortunate are these souls who are blessed with the following words from the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Whoever performs Haj for the pleasure of Allah and therein utters no word of evil, nor commits any evil deed, shall return from it (free from sin) as the day on which his mother gave birth to him.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
He also said, “Verily there shall be no reward for a Mabroor Haj except Jannah.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
So how does one know whether their hajj was accepted or not?
The basic sign of a ‘Hajj Mabroor’ or an ‘accepted Haj’ is that upon one’s return, his life changes from worst to good. He becomes totally punctual in fulfilling the commands of Allah Almighty. His love and inclination toward the Hereafter increases and love for the worldly pleasures decline. Therefore, it is essential that the pilgrim is watchful over his actions and should try his utmost to instill in himself good characters and refrain from all types of evil. He should try his best to fulfill the obligations laid down by Allah and avoid all the things forbidden by Him.
Among the signs of an accepted Hajj include:
1. You should feel that Allah the Almighty has accepted your Hajj. This feeling should be embedded in your psyche. This is only possible when your intention of performing Hajj is solely to fulfill this Islamic obligation for the sake of Allah and not just to earn the title of Hajji or Hajjia or for any other purpose.
2. You should feel more pious upon your return; more conscious of your Lord, through your thoughts and actions. You should notice a positive change in your attitude after your return from repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah the Almighty.
3. You should have forgiven those who have wronged you in return for God’s forgiveness of your sins except those who have oppressed you or others unless they give up their oppression.
4. You should engage in seeking Allah’s forgiveness abundantly and repeatedly, not only through saying “astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah) but by actually refraining from all prohibited and detestable acts mentioned and explained in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
5. You should do Zhikr (remembrance of Allah). The best Zhikr is to recite the Qur’an on a daily basis. The morning and evening adhkar (supplications) prescribed in the Prophetic traditions should also be practiced regularly. Such supplications which the pilgrims would have heard chanted day in and day out during the Hajj by their group leaders, companions and others should be done with persistence. Doing this strengthens our relationship with Allah (SWT) and brings us closer to Him.
6. You should increase your supererogatory prayers (Nawafil), especially the Tahajjud (the late night prayers) and strive to perform them regularly.
A hadith reported by Tirmidhi says, “You should get up at night, because that was the practice of the righteous before you. It is a means to get closer to your Lord. It is expiation for your past sins and a protection from future mistakes.”
7. You should stay away from vain talks and frivolous matters. The Qur’an says, “The believers have indeed attained true success: those who, in their Prayers, humble themselves; who avoid whatever is vain and frivolous”. (Al-Mu’minun, 23:1-3).
A person returning from Hajj should not only avoid what is worldly as it neither benefits him in this world nor in the hereafter but should be focused toward the hereafter. Indeed, Allah the Almighty makes a way out for the pious and righteous believers for all matters that pertain to this world.
The Qur’anic Ayahs (verses) such as “Allah will find a way out for him who fears Allah” (Al-Talaq, 65:2) and “Allah will create ease for him who fears Allah” (Al-Talaq, 65:4) are sufficient to make us understand this proposition. According to Al-Hasan al-Basari (may Allah have mercy on him) Hajj Mabroor means to return with an attitude of abstinence of this world and a desire for the hereafter. This can be understood from the Qur’anic ayah, “As for those who were led to the Guidance, Allah increases them in their guidance and causes them to grow in God-fearing” (Muhammad, 47:17).
8. You should refrain from disobeying Allah at all costs and control your passions and base desires so as to be able to stand up and fight your biggest enemy – Satan. “…Satan indeed is an open enemy to mankind” (Al-Isra, 53:17). At the same time, you should strive to obey Allah at all times, not allowing a single sin to be recorded by the angel on your left while keeping the angel on your right busy in recording your good deeds.
9. You should show goodness to people at all times. According to a hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) when once asked as to which people were dearest to Allah replied that they were those who were most useful to other people.
10. You should make a concerted effort to keep on increasing your knowledge of the Islamic faith. “O my Sustainer, cause me to grow in knowledge” (Ta Ha, 20:114).
11. You should strive in the path of Allah by participating in Da’wah activities and outreach programs. Of course, this should be started with one’s own family members. “O you who believe! save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones…”(Al-Tahrim, 66:6).
Allah alone knows best, however,It is hoped that all the pilgrims were sincere in their intentions and had traveled thousands of miles only to secure the pleasure of Allah by fulfilling the obligation laid down upon them. May Allah the Almighty grant all the pilgrims acceptance and grant them opportunity again and again to visit the Two Holy Mosques.
May He accept their Hajj; accept their tawaf, their sa’aee, their sacrifice, their rukoos, their sujoods, and their supplications. May Allah forgive our sins and help us to turn to Him by making us better Muslims and better believers. Allahumma Ameen.
The Messenger of Allah said: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet was asked, “Which is the best deed?” He said, “To believe in Allah and His Apostle.” He was then asked, “Which is the next (in goodness)?” He said, “To participate in Jihad in Allah’s Cause.” He was then asked, “Which is the next?” He said, “To perform Hajj-Mabrur.” [Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 26 :: Hadith 594]
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