Netanyahu announces site of Trump Settlement in Golan Heights


13 May 2019| 07 Ramadaan 1440| Middle East Monitor 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed yesterday that a site has been allocated to establish Trump Settlement in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, local media reported.

On Twitter, Netanyahu wrote that the site where the Trump Settlement is to be built has now been designated and construction has already started.

This came weeks after US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Israel’s annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

“This week we mark a year since the US embassy was opened in Jerusalem,” Times of Israel reported Netanyahu saying at the weekly cabinet meeting.

“We very much appreciate that historic decision by President Trump, just as we very much appreciate his historic decision to recognise Israel’s sovereignty in the Golan Heights.”

“I promised that we would establish a community named after President Trump,” Netanyahu added. “I am informing you that we have already located a spot in the Golan where that new community will be established, and that the process has begun.”

“I will bring the decision for formal approval by the new government when it is formed.”