Cii Radio| Ayesha Ismail| 03 May 2017| 06 Shabaan 1438
The South African Qur’aan Union has launched an initiative titled, “No Haafidh left behind- Taraweeh 2017”, a campaign dedicated to giving every memorizer of Qur’aan an opportunity to lead Taraweeh Salaah in a Masjid, permanent Musallah or a temporary Musallah established for this purpose.
SAQU will establish,from the Reciters Database, a list of Huffaadh who are willing to lead the Taraaweeh prayers during Ramadhaan 2017. This will provide venues across the country an opportunity to select Huffaadh from this list, interact with them, and ultimately select who they would like to lead the Taraweeh prayers.
This list serves as a link- up facility for the benefit of Huffaath and Masjid committees. Any reciter/ Haafidh is welcome to request their details to be added on the list whereupon the Masjid may make direct contact with the respective reciter.
The reciter has to be registered on the Reciters Database and supply an audio recording (of at least three minutes) that includes his full name and place of residence, the complete Surah Al Faatiha, as well as a short recitation from anywhere in the Qur’aan. Only reciters who have supplied the relevant details will be added to the list.
For more information or to register on the data base click here