Cii Radio News Flash – Friday 08 February 2019
Brought to you by Invest Shariah 12J Fund
First SA Shariah Compliant Section 12J Fund
We offer investors the opportunity to invest in a Shariah compliant investment product with quality underlying assets offering above market income and capital growth opportunities.
Predictable cash flows and assets in high capital growth areas in South Africa whilst the investor receives the SARS registered S12J VCC tax benefit of up to 45% (Receive up to 45% of your investment capital back) on their investment.
Investment capital is fully deductible for tax purposes.
Minimum investment is R1mil.
For more information:
Call: 021 808 1820 / 072 051 9176
Invest Shariah 12J Fund (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider, FSP No 47715
Investors should not view this advertisement as comprehensive advice in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediaries Act (FAIS) of 2002.