Premature baby cared for by nurse returns to same hospital years later as doctor


10 September 2018|29 Dhul Hijjah 1439|Al Arabiya

A man has reunited with the nurse who took care of him when he was born prematurely 28 years ago after he returned by chance to the same hospital to work as a pediatric resident.

The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in California shared a photo on their Facebook page of the nurse, Vilma Wong and Brandon Seminatore back then where she is seen holding him as a 29-week-old baby, and then 28 years later posing side by side as colleagues.

“Brandon was on my team and taking care of one of my patients. I asked who he was and his last name sounded very familiar,” Wong told the hospital’s website.

“I kept asking questions, like where he was from and he told me he was from San Jose, and that as a matter of fact, he was a premature baby born at our hospital. I then got very suspicious because I remember being the primary nurse to a baby with the same last name,” she added.

Seminatore’s mother had kept the old photo of him and Wong and told him to keep an eye out for her when he was about to start his new position at the hospital, he said he had assumed that she retired.