Why the need to raise funds towards education for the Syrian refugee children?


Cii Radio| Ayesha Ismail| 13 October 2017| 22 Muharram 1439

Half of Syrian refugee children in Lebanon out of school and this is a growing concern.

Six years after the start of the Syrian crisis half of all Syrian refugee children in Lebanon are still out of school despite efforts by the UN and other parties, All4syria.info reported yesterday.

Lebanese sources said that the ministry of education carried out several positive measures to bring Syrian refugee children into schools yet only 52 per cent joined in the 2017-2018 school year.

Lebanon’s education ministry could only provide schooling for 250,000 children.

The Spokeswoman of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Lisa Abou Khaled said that even if Syrian children join school they often drop out.

Some 70 per cent of Syrian refugee families live below the poverty line which forces families to send their children to work rather than school.

The different school syllabus is also a challenge for Syrian refugees who study subjects they are not familiar with, such as French.

Syria relief and Cii projects have joined hands to aid the plight of these refugee children. They deserve an education. Without and education, Syria will lose a generation.

What can I do to help?
1) Make a contribution towards the Syria education Campaign fund raiser
2) Buy a ticket to attend the 2 City Nasheeds for Syria tour

How do I purchase tickets for the 2 City Nasheed Tour?
1) At Cii offices – Durban (031 940 5244) and Johannesburg (011 494 7000)

2) At the Cii Stores – Shop U25, Upper level – Trade Route Mall,Lenasia. 011 852 0097

3) Online – Click here to be directed to online bookings

4) Via EFT – Banking Details
Bank : FNB
Acc : Cii Projects
Acc no: 626 991 40936
Br Code: 250 655
Ref: (mobile Number) SYR TIC
Price per ticket: R300

N.B. Remember to email proof of payment to Yousuf@ciiradio.com
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