Heat wave hits Saudi Arabia with temperatures soaring to 50°C

An Indian man pours water on his face during a hot summer day in Hyderabad, India, Sunday, May 24, 2015. About 230 people have died since mid-April in a heat wave sweeping two southeast Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, officials said Saturday. Day temperatures in Telangana's Khammam district soared to more than 48 degrees Celsius (118 Fahrenheit) on Saturday. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)

Cii Radio| Ayesha Ismail| 05 July 2017| 10 Shawaal 1438

JEDDAH: The Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) warned that starting today in the Eastern Province, temperatures will surpass 50°C and continue for the next week.

Other areas will also witness high temperatures including Riyadh, where the PME is forecasting 48°C temperature highs during the same period.

The PME said temperatures across country will be extremely high during the next few days with the eastern, central and parts of the western regions being most affected. The heat is due to a seasonal depression in India which is accompanied by hot and dry air that will affect the weather in all regions of the Kingdom.

Madinah and Makkah regions, as well as the western areas of Riyadh and Qassim, are expected to witness active surface winds with dust.

Temperatures in the highland areas will be mild, and in Asir and Jazan, the weather is forecast to be partially cloudy with a chance of rain.

The coastal areas of Makkah and Jazan regions are predicted to witness dusty winds that may reach the southwestern highlands of the country.

Source – Saudi Arabia