Masjid Khalid Ibn Al Walid – Your chance to earn recurring sawaab


Cii Radio| Ayesha Ismail| 23 May 2017| 26 Shabaan 1438

It is also narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever build a mosque for Allah – be it large or small – Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhî – and graded as good (hasan) by al-Albânî]

Masjid Khalid Ibn Al Walid under the Management of Florida Muslims association requires financial assistance.

They are located in Florida and plan to build the first Masjid in the area on the property.

There is currently a Jamaat khana on the property which the community has been using for many years. It has been extended more than three times over the past few years. However, as the number of musallees has increased, the jaamat khana is now not big enough to accommodate the growing Muslim population of Florida.

Imam of the Masjid, Moulana Shakir Seedat, said that the masjid is the hub of activity. He added that this vibrant community is long in need of a masjid and a madrasah.

The madrasah on the property started with just 12 students and as now grown to 200 students. Alhamdulillah!
Masjid Khalid Al Walid, Florida needs your support. Contribute generously towards this Masjid and earn sawaab-e-jaariya. Your contribution can make a world of difference.

You may contribute to the following bank account:
Bank : FNB
Acc Name: FMA building fund
Acc no: 624 023 256 84
Br Code: 250 141